A documenation of my year abroad

A documentation of my year abroad

14 December 2010

"There's that French blood!"

Tonight, I learned an interesting French saying that (roughly) translates to, "spending time with good friends is like eating a steak." At first I didn't get it, but once Sylviane motioned to her cheeks and continued to explain - she must have picked up on the deer in the headlights look on my face - it really does make sense. So when you spend time with good friends and family, like I did tonight at our "soirée crêpes," you do a lot of talking and laughing, which causes your cheeks and stomach to be sore. Similarly, when you're trying to chew your way through a good steak, by the time you're finished your jaw is tired and your stomach is full. C'est sympa, non? 

Sylviane invited Lisa and I over for crêpes and I was told last week to prepare myself for a competition, as we would have to cook and flip the crêpes ourselves. While I am confident in my cooking abilities, my last encounter with blueberry pancakes didn't exactly turn out as planned, so I was a little apprehensive. But after a demonstration by Jean-François, as Sylviane said, my French blood came through and I'm now a crêpe-flipping master. Granted, Lisa also got hers on the first try and they're not that complicated to make, but she had a hole in hers, so I win by default.

Seven days until I return stateside and I've got to say I'm looking forward to eating lots of steak with everyone.

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