A documenation of my year abroad

A documentation of my year abroad

04 July 2011

La vie est belle

First off, Happy 4th to everyone at home! I'd much rather be at home enjoying the celebration than running around like a headless chicken trying to pack and clean my room, but I'll be there soon enough. This will be my last post from France, and as per the rest of this experience I've been spoiled right up until the end.

Sylviane and Jean-François took me on one last adventure to Château Harcourt, a spot we'd visited way back in October, but it was closed then. Yet this expidition was after they served me champagne, barbecue shrimp, zucchini flan and pear cake. Needless to say I was in coma mode on the drive over, but woke up once we got out of the car. Sections of this château date back to the year 911, and it was a noble family's residence until the early 20th century.

Once we'd toured the château and the arboretum, we headed back to their place where I said goodbye to Jean-François before Sylviane dropped me back off at my studette. They graciously sent me home with leftovers, which were greatly appreciated since I've got less than 30 € in my bank account. While I was in their bathroom, I noticed a sign that really struck me as being true/appropriate given the situation that read, "good friends are like angels, you don't need to see them to know that they are there." 

After a quick nap, I headed to the home of another one of my teachers for dinner. She had lent me a bicycle about a month or two ago and I had to return it before leaving. When I got there I was met with a kir normand for the apéro, and a containter of honey from another one of my teachers who had shown up to eat with us. Dinner was a sort of chicken stew, whose name escapes me because I was exhausted at this point, but it was delicious as usual. For dessert, melon balls and strawberries. 

Both of these teachers invited me to stay with them upon my eventual return, which means that so far I've racked up a list of 5 different houses that I can stay in (boosh!). At this point I'm too tired and stressed out over packing to get philosophical with you so I'll save the final reflection post for when I get home. Thanks to everyone who has followed me along this journey, I hope it was interesting for you having a peek at my adventures abroad. Bisous et à bientôt! 

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