A documenation of my year abroad

A documentation of my year abroad

14 November 2010

Food Baby

I’m not one to congratulate myself often, but I was genuinely impressed with how everything turned out. The cranberry sauce was perfect, as was the stuffing and the Waldorf salad (which I had never eaten before I made it). The menu included: a rooster that served as the “fausse dinde” and gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar (the kids’ favorite), green bean casserole, peas and carrots, corn, Waldorf salad, and cranberry sauce. For dessert, a fresh pumpkin pie (or some kind of squash that looked like it’d be a pumpkin) made by one of the British assistants and an apple tart made by my neighbor who kindly let me make a mess of her kitchen.
The spread.
The first helping.
Pumpkin (?) pie.
I don’t remember the last time I ate so much – it was actually painful and even unbuttoning my pants provided only minimal relief. I’m glad we spent a couple hours sitting at the table after the meal because I wouldn’t have been able to move comfortably anyway. At around 11.30 after cleaning up and doling out the leftovers, the British assistants and I worked our way through the wine that we hadn't drank at dinner. They headed home at 6.00 and now I’m up just in time for lunch to enjoy my chef-d'œuvre all over again.

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