A documenation of my year abroad

A documentation of my year abroad

21 November 2010

Pa Panamericano!

Saturday night blew away 10/10/10. While in France I’ve realized I’m steadily breaking myself of an old habit and finally starting to put play before work. Yeah I haven’t done any of my lessons for this coming week, my ears are ringing and I still can’t hear, but would I have rather been home planning lessons or out in a club until 5.00 AM? Not a tough call.

After prelashing at James’ studio, we met up with some French kids and made our way to the discotheque on the Rive Gauche. We weren’t sure what to expect since it was free for everyone before 1.00 AM, but once we got to the door we realized that the bouncer was screening the people trying to get in. In this instance, speaking English worked in our favor because the bouncer was excited to talk to us. Considering the bizarre mélange of music on French radio, the DJ was actually really good, with only a couple of out of place songs.

Thankfully we were able to get a taxi back to Caoimhlin’s, who put Alex, Sam and I up for the night. After binging on brie and baguette, we managed to get to bed without waking up any of her other roommates. After a couple of frog-in-the-holes and tartines with nutella and peanut butter, everyone was good as new and we made our way back to Louviers.

This week is going to be another good one; Wednesday I’m going to see Harry Potter (in English!!!) and then Friday after classes I’m heading to Amsterdam for the weekend. If I don’t get on here to update this again before the holiday, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at home!

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